Men’s Group

The St. Bernard’s men’s group was born from the idea that there may be retired men who would be happy to sit and talk about the simple things of life. Whether it be hobbies, or their ideas on life in general. Basically, just things of interest that other men may share.

It started a couple of years prior to Covid, when a notice was placed in the church bulletin, for interested men. The response was surprising as about a dozen men attended and immediately proved that there was an interest.

Since that time, the group has survived Covid and continues to meet every second Tuesday of the month at 10:30am, in the Church café.  A cup of tea/coffee is supplied and cakes appear regularly.

As well as the church notice, we encourage prospective members by a letter/email of personal invitation. 

Initially the group shared stories of what they had done in their “past life”, that being prior to retirement. A few of the exploits were quite surprising and left a new found respect for one another.

Attendance numbers vary, usually around 10-12, as sometimes life can be hectic with grandchildren, or medical appointments.

There is no committee, as we run on a no fuss system. 

We welcome interested men to join.

Enquiries to Terry - email